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This Holiday season, Art + Concepts introduces the bird paintings of Emmaline Mortimer.
A NSCAD Fine Arts Graduate, Mortimer also holds an Honours in Philosophy and a Major in Psychology from UNB Fredericton. Her visual work deals with a variety of subject matter, but Mortimer’s lifelong interest in local birds was fostered her parents, who keep large feeders on their property.
Today, Mortimer spends hours researching bird species all over the world, studying their habitats, songs, and, of course, gorgeous plumage, in order to render her vibrant scenes.
Nine of Mortimer’s oil canvases will be hanging in the gallery for our Christmas Party, Saturday, November 28th and Art + Concepts will feature 26 of her small paintings in its 2015 Advent Calendar — a dear little Christmas present in your e-mail inbox every day, November 29 to December 24!